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2011年05月05日 16:14:57 来源:黄山峰学校 访问量:1190


Pollution, protect the environment, give off a bad smell, send out smoke and poisonous gases into the air, pour waste water into the river, cut down trees, throw litter, sandstorm, global warming, Greenhouse Effect, live in harmony with, take proper measures to, improve the environment, pose a great threat to, be endangered, die out, become extinct, species, be from bad to worse, spring up like mushrooms, flood into...
Spare time, hobby, entertainment, be interested in, have special favor to, be fond of, be keen on, have a taste in, read novels, surf the internet, chat online, collect stamps, doing sports, develop an interest in, play musical instrument...
  Make friends with, friendship, friendly, trust each other, righteous, honesty, knowledgeable, standard, precious, be loyal to, keep in touch with, keep company with sb., have a lot in common, share happiness and bitterness with each other, treasure, good-tempered...
  A friend is a present which you give yourself.
A life without a friend is a life without a sun.
  Offer service to, heart and soul, physical labor, mental labor, honorable, earn pocket money, part-time job, full-time job, steel one’s mind, enlarge one’s knowledge, get working experience, apply for, major in, graduate from, degree, scholarship, be skilled in, confident, experienced, perform well in school, leadership, communicative, cooperative, competitive, diligent...
School rules and regulations, obey, be neatly dressed, respect one’s teachers and parents, be on time, keep the environment clean, break the rules, spit, cheat in exam, get in line, punish sb for,  it’s shameful to, library card, student ID, bicycle-permit, be absent from...

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